主イエスは私たちの内に来ましたのは、私たちが完全に一つになるためだと言われました。分裂を拡がるためではなくて、世に平安を取り戻すために天から降りました。ある時に、主イエスが「平和ではなく、剣をもたらすためにきた」と言われたが、ゲツセマネの庭で、ペトロがイエスを守るために剣を抜いた時、「剣を取るものは皆、剣で滅びる」と言われました。死と分裂は「善悪の知識の木」を通してこの世に入ったが、一致と調和は「十字架の木」を通して勝利します。蛇は勝てないのです。主イエスは踵が噛まれたのに、蛇の頭を砕いました。 主は剣ではなくて、自分の死によって、「死を司る」悪魔を滅ぼしました。
聖パウロは天にあるものとこの世にあるものを比較します。 天にあるものは見えないけど、永遠に存続するもので、 世にあるものは何でやるけれど、過ぎ去るものです。世の国の方は分裂と争いの状態があって、天の国の方は一致と調和を基調します。ですので、この世の「見えるもの」の中に立っている人として、どやって「見えない」ものに「目を注げます」か?聖パウロの命令は無理みたいです。しかし、主イエスによって、神の見えない言葉が見えるものになりました。太陽の光と同じように、神の栄光を直接に眺めたら、目が見えなくなってしまいますが、イエスを眺めれば、できる限りに、神の栄光が見えるようになります。天と地の中の橋みたいなように、神の見えない言葉は見える人間になりました。
神が提供してくれる最良のものは見えないものです。真理、美しさ、善、一致は全て見えないものです。愛、友情、親切さもそうです。しかし、この全ての見えないものを見えるものを通じて見えるようになります。聖とされたパンを通じて主イエスが見えるようになれば、悩む人、苦しむ人の顔にも見えるようになります。私たちの中にある見えない敵も見えるようになります。豊かなお祈りの生活ができれば、主イエスに私たちを向け直す時、私たちの中で、分裂と争いへと誘おうとする悪霊は黙り、追放 されていきます。その代わりに、愛の霊が私たちの中に生きます。
Jesus in today's Gospel is more like a witchdoctor than the Jesus in a Sunday School picture book. He was driving out evil spirits. Jesus' own family tried to take him away, saying he was mad or even possessed.
If I said that there were "evil spirits" in society today, you might think that I am mad, too, but surely the spirits of conflict, the spirits of division, the spirits of hatred are still strong. Can't we call the voice in our head that says "that person is richer, more beautiful, more studious" than us, the voice that compares us constantly with other people and makes us envy, the voice of an "evil spirit?" Or the voice that says, "my property, my family, my country are more important than other people's?" It tempts us to neglect our love for others, our neighbours and our enemies. Of course, it's good to prioritise your family, your country and so on, but if you over-prioritise it, in the worst case, it causes discrimination and violence.
In the story of the Garden of Eden, there is an evil spirit who speaks to people. God created humans for eternal life, but the serpent tempts Adam and Eve to take fruit from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. People wanted the power of God and abandoned God's eternal laws to make their own. As a result, sin, death, conflict, and murder have entered the world.
The snake in the Garden of Eden plays various roles in the Bible. This time, the scribes who came down from Jerusalem call the serpent "Beelzebub" and "the head of the demons", while the Lord Jesus calls him "Satan" and "the ruler of this world" (John 12:31). The scribes criticize the power of Jesus as being due to evil spirits, saying that Jesus "is driving out evil spirits with the power of the evil spirit's head." Jesus replies that "a country that has been internally divided will fall." His kingdom is is not a kingdom of this world, but the kingdom of heaven.
Our Lord said that he came among us "so that we might be one." He descended from heaven not to spread division but to restore peace to the world. I know, at one point, the Lord said, "I came to bring the sword, not peace," but when Peter actually pulled out a sword to protect Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, he rebuked him: "everyone who takes the sword will die by the sword." Death and division enter the world through the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil", but unity and harmony have conquered through the "Tree of the Cross." Ultimately, he snake cannot win. The Lord Jesus' heel was bitten, but he crushed the head of the serpent. He destroyed the devil "who rules death" not by the sword, but by his own death.
St. Paul compares what is in heaven with what is in the world. The things of heaven are invisible and eternal. The things of this world are visible and transient. The kingdom of the world is in a state of division and conflict, and the kingdom of heaven is based on unity and harmony. But if that is so, as we are standing among the visible things of this world, how do we "set our eyes on" the invisible things?
St. Paul's exhortation seems impossible: but in Our Lord, the invisible Word of God becomes visible. If you look directly at God's glory, just as if you look directly at the sun, you will be blinded; but if you look at Jesus, you will see God's glory – as much as humans can. Like a bridge between heaven and earth, God's invisible Word has become a visible human, Christ.
But hasn't Our Lord ascended to heaven? If so, how are we meant to look at Him? Well, the Lord has ascended to heaven, but he is still present in this world. By the Holy Spirit the Lord is present in the church, but on top of that, he is with us in the sanctified bread and wine of the altar. That is why the Blessed Sacrament is kept in the tabernacle in our chapel. Whether you receive the sacrament or not, if you meditate in the presence of the bread that have become the Body of Christ, you will have the opportunity to realise the presence of the "invisible" God through the "visible" bread. That is, if you want to be able to see what you can't see, you can spend some time praying.
The best things that God offers are the invisible ones. Truth, beauty, goodness, and unity are all invisible. So is love, friendship and kindness. But it is only through visible things that we can perceive these invisible things. If we learn to see the Lord Jesus in the sanctified bread, we learn to see him in the faces of those who suffer, those in trouble, and those who are poor.
You will also be able to see the invisible enemies inside you. If we can live a rich prayer life, when we turn ourselves to the Lord, the evil spirits which invite us to division and conflict will be silenced and banished. Instead, the Spirit of Love will live in us.