一口大のパンは、戦争を終わることができますか?Can a piece of bread end a war?
主イエスは石をパンにする力を持っているのに、世界中で飢えている人がいます。 戦争している国々の腐敗している政府を覆して、正る力を持っていますが、その力を使いません。エルサレムで十字架に付けられた時、天使に命じて、敵を殺す力を持っていましたが、悪人を生きさせておきました。我々クリスチャンは人間の苦しみを無視する神様のことを誠に信じていますか?
(English translation at end of post)
Can a piece of bread end a war?
The Lord Jesus has the power to turn stones into bread, yet people are starving all over the world. He has the power to overthrow the corrupt governments of warring nations and make them right, but He does not use that power. When he was crucified in Jerusalem, he had the power to command angels to kill his enemies, but he let the wicked live. Do Christians truly believe in a God who ignores human suffering?
This question is often heard, but is based on a misunderstanding of the kind of power God has and what Jesus was like. Some of Jesus' modern followers want to make Him a revolutionary. They believe that the mission of the Church is to overthrow society and make a new one, right now. Some liberation theologians allow even violence for this. Of course, among the disciples of the time of the Lord Jesus, there were those who thought in the same way. One of them was called "Judas."
According to Jesus' temptations in the desert, it is the Devil, not God, who wants us to use our power to overthrow nature and society. He has been tempting us since the Garden of Eden by saying that we can take God's power and create a utopia, but it is a lie.
There is enough bread in this world for everyone. God has given us enough. There is no doubt that we should divide it better. But even if we give bread to everyone in the world, surely others will still fight to steal it. For "man does not live by bread alone." Our chief problem is a problem of the heart.
The power the Lord Jesus gives us is a power that goes beyond political power. Love and forgiveness are invisible, but they are more powerful than material things. It is Jesus' command to make that invisible thing our "treasure." For the time being, we may need tanks and guns to defend justice and end war, but only as a temporary solution. For permanent peace and satiation, what is needed is the transformation of the human heart.
Christ himself is the most precious treasure, but the human heart has not yet recognised this truth. In the Mass, the Lord Jesus performs the greatest miracle of all. Rather than turning stones into bread for us, He turns His own body into bread. This bread may be weak and small, but it will greatly transform the heart of the believer who receives it, and it lasts even to eternal life.
We proclaim in church every week that 'We are one body, even though we are many, because we are one bread'. If the world really believed this, the current war between Ukraine and Russia would be unthinkable. The Russian President receives the same bread every week in the Divine Litugry as the Ukrainian soldiers. Both countries are Christian, but since 2014, in response to Russian violence, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has become independent from the Russian Orthodox Church, with the blessing of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch. Since then, the Russian Orthodox Church considers the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to be heretical. The Patriarch of Moscow has supported the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is a scandal to Christianity. It is shameful that there is political division within the Church, the body of Christ – and the cause is certainly not divine. The Russian leadership would do well to consider the words of St Paul: 'He who drinks and eats without regard for the body of the Lord is drinking and eating judgment against himself.' If you try to kill others, you will try to kill the limbs of your own body. Starving others to death is the same as starving your own body to death.
The Lord taught, 'love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you'. Like it or not, the politicians and soldiers who persecute Ukraine are our Christian brothers and sisters who eat the same bread with us. When we pray for the Ukrainians, we should also pray that the Russian leaders who receive the bread in Holy Communion recognise the Body of Christ in their Ukrainian brethren, repent and withdraw their troops before it is too late.
There is still time. Because for those who have faith, a morsel of the Bread of Life has the power to forgive, to heal and to end war.