水の面を動いていた霊/The Spirit that hovered over the face of the waters
Yesterday was Pentecost, so why this reading from scripture today? We need to think about when the text was written, and why.
As for the date of the passage, Genesis 1 was most likely written between 500 and 250 years before Christ was born. Genesis was not all written at the same time, and Genesis 1 is a fairly recent part. As for its purpose, it was written as a Jewish religious text for use in worship in the second temple in Jerusalem. The temple which Solmon built had been destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar when Babylon conquered Jerusalem in 586 BC.
Genesis 1 is not a science textbook. It is not meant to be a scientific treatise on the origins of the world. If we read it like that, we will get lost quickly. Most importantly, it tells us who made the world, and why. However, albeit not in scientific terms, Genesis also tells us how the world was made.
Let’s think about this passage in the context of Pentecost, as we wait for Trinity Sunday. Heaven and earth, that is everything, is made by God’s Word and God’s Spirit. God speaks, and things are made. But before God speaks, gods spirit is moving over the water. Let's think about that word “spirit” for a moment.
You probably know that the old Testament is written in Hebrew. The word translated as spirit in Hebrew is ruach. In Hebrew this word has two meanings: both “spirit” and “breath.” The new Testament writers wrote in Greek, and they used a Greek word, “pneuma,” which also has these two meanings, spirit and life. In English and in Japanese, we separate these two concepts into two separate words, but for the writers of the Bible, “spirit” and “breath” meant the same thing. To them, God’s spirit was God’s breath.
Of course, God does not have lungs or a mouth. Rather, God’s breath, God’s spirit, is understood as the power of life in God. God does not have a vocal chords, so gods word does not make a sound. Rather, God’s word is God’s reason, mind and imagination. The spirit or breath of God is what brings God’s imagination to life. We are living in the imagination of God.
But remember! This is a Jewish text, written before Christ. The Jews do not believe in the Holy Trinity. To them, God’s Word and God’s spirit are separate from God. Christians believe in the same Word and Spirit as the Jews, but Christians believe that the Father, the Word (or Son) and the Holy Spirit are One. The unique point of Christianity is the teaching that God’s Word became flesh as Jesus Christ and that he breathed out God’s spirit from the Cross.
This gives the Spirit of God a new definition. The Spirit which gave life to the world is the same Spirit which gave life to the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the same Spirit which descended on Jesus at his Baptism, the same Spirit which Jesus breathed out on the Cross, the same Spirit which Jesus breathed over the disciples after his Resurrection, the same Spirit which came to the Apostles like fire and wind. It is the same Spirit that made peoples of all nations able to understand each other’s languages, the same Spirit that brings people from all nations into one family, the same Spirit which gives life to the Church.
For Christians, God’s purpose in creating the world is the same as God’s purpose in giving Christ to the world: his desire to give us a share in the everlasting joy of his infinite life. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of the love we see in Christ, his living Word.
Let us invite that Spirit into our hearts.